Vademecum is where Geldbach and Inwit experts share their knowledge of flanges and fittings with their partners. We are going to bring up different issues e.g. differences in standards and their requirements, basic mistakes in requests and most importantly we are going to face the most frequent problems and questions of our customers. Current list of topics:
1. Bending radius of short smooth bends - Does 3D radius mean that its length is three times the diameter. What does EN 10253-2 Standard say and what is the difference between interpretation and DIN 2605-1 Standard. How to avoid mistakes in requests?
2. Outer diameters differences - Is DN125 size the same as 133 fi, 139,7 fi or 141,3 fi? One of the most frequent problems in requests we receive are the exact sizes in ordered products.
3. EN 10253-2 Standard in table 17 stipulates preferred diameters and wall thicknesses so that they fit pipe dimensions stipulated in EN 102020. Here is the table for diameter from 26.9 – 88.9 fi.
Thanks to your help we are going to develop gradually and methodically. If you happen to have an idea for an article or if you want to know more about flanges and fittings – contact us at
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